Hello there + thanks so much for popping by... What has brought you to this wee place? What is going on in your space home workspace that may need my open heart + attention.

Let me come to your place of dwelling the place you call home, allow me to make friends with the spirit gracing your sacred abode … let the energy emerge…no energy is bad EVER…all energy is waiting to be heard, understood and shown love much like us … just a wee bit of respect needed.

Maybe you get a feeling of energy that discomforts you, or there might possibly be noises that keep you up at night … my souls work here is to listen intuitively as i enter your home… in distance or in person to feel what is around energy wise.

When we get together we can discuss all matters of disruption and turbulence. All of life is oozing with energy and sometimes it just needs a wee shove in the right direction...with the right tools of love and symbols that I have learned over the years I can cleanse and bless your sacred space ...making contact with spirit to decide on the best foot forward.

I then take space and report on all my findings … a handwritten letter is drafted on the most magical paper with a wax seal to be the sent in the post to you which will be yours to keep safe forever more.

From the moment we start the journey Into your sanctuary I’m there my energies are working through listening feeling shifting … the whole time until you receive that letter … a closing of a door will then occur … and my energies will pull away..,

It would be a privilege and honour to walk through your space with you … so please get in touch aw the best ♠️ Prices for all my offerings are in my wee shop x